Peerbots Logo

Connect to a Robot

Before connecting, make sure the robot or robot face you are connecting to is already set up or turned on.


Call someone's or your Peerbots. This is the easiest way to get started!

You are not currently signed in. Would call as Copy
Misty Robot

Connect to a Misty Robot. Is your Misty on your local network?Learn more about Misty.

Furhat Robot

Connect to a Furhat robot. Is your Furhat on your local network?Learn more about Furhat.

Local Peerbot (Advanced)

Connect to a Peerbots Face over your local network. May not work on Mac and iOS.

Speaker / Local

Control a speaker connected to this device (for example, via bluetooth). You can hide the speaker near or within the robot puppet. Can also be used for testing on this device.

Test Robot

Track messages as you send them. This shows a list of the messages sent in the robot preview. Can be helpful for testing purposes.

Missing Robot?

Looking for a robot that you do not see here? Please reach out and we would be happy to assist in adding it to our options.